The firm routinely represents individuals and corporations in internal investigations, grand jury investigations and criminal prosecutions. The allegations in these matters have involved a wide variety of white collar crimes, including fraud and other financial crimes, program abuse, environmental crimes, and tax violations. As a result of thorough investigation and zealous representation, the firm has been very successful in convincing prosecutors and other authorities not to initiate charges against its clients. Where charges have been brought, the firm has had notable success in defending those charges at trial. Our attorneys have also conducted internal investigations for academic, corporate, civic, labor, governmental, and religious organizations. The firm has been recognized in U.S. News & World Report’s annual rankings of the Best Law Firms in America as a First Tier St. Louis law firm in the area of “Criminal Defense: White-Collar.”
Recent white collar representations have included the defense of a former Governor of Missouri in a federal prosecution involving campaign contributions. The firm also obtained a rare dismissal of a bank fraud indictment against an individual who had been the largest urban redeveloper in St. Louis. The indictment was dismissed on the grounds it failed to state an offense under the federal mail, wire, and bank fraud statutes, and that dismissal was upheld on appeal.
The firm has represented clients in more traditional criminal contexts, including some of the region’s most highly publicized prosecutions. These cases have included representation of an NHL hockey player charged with murder-for-hire, and obtaining the acquittals of a prominent state legislator charged with sexual assault and of a religious school official in a prosecution over the school’s disciplinary practices.
- Represented electrical utility in investigations arising out of collapse of 1.4 billion gallon mountaintop reservoir
- Represented defense contractor in investigations arising out of backdating stock options
- Represented CFO of Fortune 500 cable television company in defense of federal wire fraud charges alleging accounting fraud
- Represented political committees, labor leaders and other individuals, including a former Governor of Missouri, in investigations of campaign finance activities
- Represented individuals in investigations of mail and wire fraud arising in a variety of commercial contexts
- Represented medical providers in investigations alleging Medicare or other types of health care fraud
- Represented individuals and entities in investigations involving alleged environmental crimes
- Represented individuals in investigations by the Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission of alleged securities violations
- Represented defense contractors or their employees in investigations of procurement fraud
- Represented officer of pharmaceutical marketing company in defense of charges alleging mislabeling of prescription drugs in violation of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.
- Represented corporations or their employees in investigations of customs violations
- Represented banks, real estate developers, health care providers and other entities in bank fraud investigations
- Routinely conduct internal investigations for Fortune 500 corporation involving internal compliance issues and allegations of employee or contractor misconduct
- Conducted internal investigation for internationally known professional firm involving alleged leaks of information regarding confidential projects
- Conducted internal investigation for national labor union related to administration of health care benefits for union members
- Investigated on behalf of a religious organization alleged misconduct of officer
- Investigated hostile work environment allegations on behalf of a civic organization
- Conducted internal investigation of organ donation program of medical institution
- Conducted internal investigation of municipality’s award of construction contracts